Agriculture, Food & Hunger
It is unacceptable to me that in 2013, with as much agricultural production as exists throughout the world and with our enormous capacities for transportation and technology, hunger still persists as a worldwide issue.
It is imperative that we stop wasting, depleting, or destroying our resources of soil and water and allowing unnecessary subsidies to defeat our ability to provide for the basic nutritional needs of people anywhere, especially children who are unable to otherwise provide for themselves.
I am strongly in favor of policies that forbid the deliberate waste of any surplus and provide assistance to farmers and ranchers, especially when conditions like drought and natural disasters affect their ability to sustain their livelihoods.
It is unacceptable to me that in 2013, with as much agricultural production as exists throughout the world and with our enormous capacities for transportation and technology, hunger still persists as a worldwide issue.
It is imperative that we stop wasting, depleting, or destroying our resources of soil and water and allowing unnecessary subsidies to defeat our ability to provide for the basic nutritional needs of people anywhere, especially children who are unable to otherwise provide for themselves.
I am strongly in favor of policies that forbid the deliberate waste of any surplus and provide assistance to farmers and ranchers, especially when conditions like drought and natural disasters affect their ability to sustain their livelihoods.