Marriage Equality
In the last 12 months, the number of states that have legalized same-sex marriage has doubled. It is time for Texas to recognize what has been shown by recent court decisions to be a matter of equal protection under law.
Unlike a religious institution, the State gives no "blessing" to the marriage of two people. The State's interest is in the well-being of its citizens and the protection of their rights. Accordingly, the State issues licenses for marriages, as it does for people who drive vehicles, hunt & fish, and operate certain businesses. Couples are always free to choose the church, synagogue, mosque, institution or faith that satisfies their desire for a religious blessing.
For these reasons, I support marriage equality and I offer this additional reason: studies have proven that the best interests of children are better protected in families that include two parents, regardless of gender. This fact should be persuasive to anyone concerned about the problems of crime, drug-addiction and personality disorders that are so challenging our nation's youth.
In the last 12 months, the number of states that have legalized same-sex marriage has doubled. It is time for Texas to recognize what has been shown by recent court decisions to be a matter of equal protection under law.
Unlike a religious institution, the State gives no "blessing" to the marriage of two people. The State's interest is in the well-being of its citizens and the protection of their rights. Accordingly, the State issues licenses for marriages, as it does for people who drive vehicles, hunt & fish, and operate certain businesses. Couples are always free to choose the church, synagogue, mosque, institution or faith that satisfies their desire for a religious blessing.
For these reasons, I support marriage equality and I offer this additional reason: studies have proven that the best interests of children are better protected in families that include two parents, regardless of gender. This fact should be persuasive to anyone concerned about the problems of crime, drug-addiction and personality disorders that are so challenging our nation's youth.